The Credit Union Rec Complex opened in February 2005 so soccer could be played 12 months a year in the Annapolis Valley. Soccer experienced unprecedented growth, from less than 1,000 players in 1985 to over 5,000 players by 2003.
Due to it's large open indoor field the Credit Union Rec Complex attracts other sports and users including baseball, rugby, football, and a RC model airplane flying club, just to name a few. In 2006 the Kings County Squash Club constructed two international squash courts on the second floor and offers one of the most successful junior programs in Atlantic Canada.
The Credit Union Rec Complex offers programing for soccer players of every skill level from infants and community soccer through to our very best players represented by the Valley United Soccer Club. We have one of the largest senior soccer leagues in the province with over 30 teams ranging in age from 18 to over 65!
The Town of Kentville sponsors a very popular Indoor Walking program with up to 150 walkers during the weekly sessions!
The Credit Union Rec Complex is a true community use facility run by a volunteer Board of Directors.